Overview by Role of the Researcher
General Programme Coordinator - Programme Coordinator - Senior Researcher - Researcher - PhD Researcher - Retired Researcher (Emeritus)
General Programme CoordinatorProgramme CoordinatorSenior ResearcherResearcher- Dr C.W. van Aartsen (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Dr V. Abazi (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr Alessandrini (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr I. Alexovicova (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Dr L. de Almeida (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr N. Appermont (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs Dr S. Aras (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Dr J.H.M. Arts (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs Dr F.M. Auvray (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr L. Van Der Auwermeulen (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Dr C.J.W. Baaij (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr L.J. van der Baaren (Family Law)
- Mrs Dr M. Bartl (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof A. Beckers (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr L.P.C. Belder (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Prof A. Berlee (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr N. Bernaz-Potter (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Dr D. Bettens (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Dr T.W.B. Beukers (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr A. Biard (Liability and Insurance)
- Prof J.W.A. Biemans (Property Law)
- Dr Th. Biermeyer (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Dr T.R. Bleeker (Liability and Insurance)
- Dr N.J. de Boer (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr M.N. Boeve (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr S.J. Bogle (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr A.H.H. Bollen-Vandenboorn (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Dr M. Bonelli (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Prof G. Boogaard (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Prof I. Boone (Family Law)
- Dr C. Borucki (Liability and Insurance)
- Prof M. Bourgeois (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Dr T. Bouwman (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr G. Bouwman (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Prof E. Brans (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr M. Brkan (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr V. Bruggeman (Liability and Insurance)
- Dr C.J. de Bruijn (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof A.W.G.J. Buijze (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr E. Buitrago Diaz (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Dr W. Bull (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr L.E. Burgers (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr E.M. Busuioc (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr A.H. Cáceres Solari (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Dr N. Cammu (Family Law)
- Dr M. Campbell (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr J. de Cendra de Larragán (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr U. Cerulus (Family Law)
- Dr P.C.H. Chan (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Prof O.O. Cherednychenko (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr S.J.F.J. Claessens (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr E. Cloots (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Prof M. de Cock Buning (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Prof L.M. Coenraad (Family Law)
- Dr C.M. Colombo (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr F. Coman Kund (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr G. Comparato (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr L. Cortat (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr R.J.E.H. Creemers (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr K. Cseres (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr L. Dai (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr D.L.M.Th. Dankers-Hagenaars (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Prof M. Dawson (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr C.H.H. Declerck (Family Law)
- Dr S. Declercq (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr T. Deibel (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr M. Delnoy (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr S. Demeyere (Property Law)
- Dr P. Dermine (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr K. Dewaele (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr B.M.M. Didden (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Prof A. van Doesum (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs Prof T. Domej (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mr J.H. Dondorp (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr E.G.D. van Dongen (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr A. Dori (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Dr H. Du (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr A.P.W. Duijkersloot (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr J.M.L. van Duin (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr B.B. Duivenvoorde (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof S.K. Dura (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr E. Durmuş (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr C. Eggett (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Prof H. van Eijken (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Prof A.J.A.J. Eijsbouts (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Prof M. Eliantonio (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Dr K.H. Eller (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Prof Th.C.J.A. van Engelen (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr L.F.H. Enneking (Liability and Insurance)
- Dr F. Esposito (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Prof M. Fermeglia (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr F.J. Fernhout (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Prof A. Firth (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr F.M. Fleurke (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr G.J. Garfias von Fürstenberg (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Dr N. Giannopoulos (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Prof H.K. Gilissen (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr P. Gillaerts (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr C. Goanta (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr V. Golunova (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr M.E.A. Goodwin (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Dr Van Gool (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr A. Gorbatyuk (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr N.H.A. Gorissen (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Prof F.A.G. Groothuijse (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr D. Gruyaert (Property Law)
- Dr J. Gruyters (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr N. Gundt (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr A. Gutierrez Raymondova (Liability and Insurance)
- Prof M.N. Haentjens (Property Law)
- Dr D. Haljan (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr J. Hamers (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Dr S. Hardt (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr L. Haworth (Intellectual Property)
- Dr M.R. Hebly (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr D.J.B. Op Heij (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Prof M.L. Hendrikse (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr L. den Hertog (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr T. Hick (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr L. Hillary (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Dr I.J.D. Hillebrand Pohl (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Dr L. Hoffmann (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr B.M. Holligan (Property Law)
- Dr A.N. Honniball (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Prof B. Hoops (Property Law)
- Prof R. Ibarra Garza (Property Law)
- Dr T. Iliopoulos (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr N. Ismaïli (Family Law)
- Dr D. Jancic (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr P. Jansen (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr Ch.G. Jeppesen de Boer (Family Law)
- Mrs Dr H. de Jong (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr M. Jonker (Family Law)
- Dr A.L. Jonkers (Property Law)
- Dr B. Karolczyk (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Dr M.T. Kawakami (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr A.M. Keessen (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr B. Kemp (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Prof J.J.H. van Kempen (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr B.P. Kerr (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Dr A. Keur (Intellectual Property)
- Dr A. Klap (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr A.J.M. Klein Wassink (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Dr I. Koning (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr C. Koolen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr N. Kornet (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr L.S.J. Kortese (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr S.P.M. Kramer (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Prof H.B. Krans (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Prof S.A. Kruisinga (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Prof T.E. Lambooy (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Prof T. de Lange (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Prof S.A.C.M. Lavrijssen (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr A. Lenaerts (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr C. Leone (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr M. Leszczynska (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr Y. Levashova (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Dr Q. Li (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr J. Liu (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr S. Loeffen (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr E. Loibl (Family Law)
- Mr W. Loof (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr T. Lu (Intellectual Property)
- Dr N.C. Luk (Family Law)
- Mrs Prof J.A. Luzak (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr L.J. MacFarlane (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr A.D.J. MacPherson (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr C.B.P. Mahe (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof V. Mak (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr B. Manby (Family Law)
- Mrs Dr L. Marin (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr J.H. Mathis (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Dr S.J. McGibbon (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Dr N. Meershoek (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr A.P. van der Mei (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr P. Melin (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr T.P. Mennicken (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr S. Menzione (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr R.C. Meurkens (Liability and Insurance)
- Dr M. Meyer (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Dr A. Moerland-Dahrendorf (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr C.R. Mol (Family Law)
- Mrs Dr C. Molinari (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr R.A. Momberg Uribe (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr V. Morozovaite (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr E. Muir (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr M.A.F. Muylle (Property Law)
- Dr P. Naaktgeboren (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Dr. P. Naeyaert (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr F.J.G. Nellen (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Dr S. Nicolosi (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr S.A. Nóbrega (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr M. Och (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs A.E. Oderkerk (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr E.A. Ontanu (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Dr E.C. van Ooij (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr R.H. van Ooik (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr J. Oosterhuis (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof A.T. Ottow (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Prof G. van Overwalle (Intellectual Property)
- Dr R.A. Partain (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr C.M.D.S. Pavillon (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr F. Peirone (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr A.S.S. Peterson (Property Law)
- Dr N.J. Philipsen (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr P.S. Phoa (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs M. Piers (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr M.J. Plana Casado (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Prof P.J. van der Plank (Property Law)
- Dr H.D. Ploeger (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr S. Prent (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr J.M. Prinssen (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr S.T.M. Puharinen (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Prof K.P. Purnhagen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr S. van de Put (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Prof L.S. Reins (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr J. Reynolds (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Prof R. Rijnhout (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr J. Robbie (Property Law)
- Mrs Prof J. Roest (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Dr R.J. Roland Holst (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Dr O. Roodhooft (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Prof A. de Ruijter (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr F.M. Ruitenbeek-Bart (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr G.C.A.M. Ruitenberg (Family Law)
- Prof C.M. Ryngaert (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Dr M. Santos Silva (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr A.L.M. Schaap (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Dr E.A.G. van Schagen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr M.Y. Schaub (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr H. Schebesta (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy, Liability and Insurance)
- Prof H.N. Schelhaas (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr S.L.T. Schoenmaekers (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr M.O. Scholten (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr S. Schuite (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr D.B. Shabalala (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs K. de Smedt (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr J. De Smet (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Dr S. Sobrie (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Dr H.N. Stelma-Roorda (Family Law)
- Mrs Dr N. Stroobants (Liability and Insurance)
- Prof J. Stuyck (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr K.J. Swider (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr K.E.C.T. Swinnen (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr S. Tamboer (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Dr S.N. Tas (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr S. Thin (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Prof N. van Tiggelen-van der Velde (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs Dr E. Tsourdi (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs Dr K. Tyagi (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr C. Ucín (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Dr R.C.P. van Uden (Property Law)
- Mrs F.J. Unz (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr K. Uytterhoeven (Family Law)
- Dr T.A.J.A. Vandamme (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr W. Vandenbussche (Liability and Insurance)
- B. Vanheusden (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr A.M.E. Veldkamp (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr K.M.L.L. van der Ven (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Prof P.W.J. Verbruggen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr B. Verheye (Property Law)
- Prof R.R. Verkerk (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs Dr M.C.B.F. de Visser (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Dr L.P.W. van Vliet (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr J. de Vogel (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof M.J. Vonk (Family Law)
- Dr J. Voorter (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr T. Vos (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr R. de Vrey (Intellectual Property)
- Prof S.A. de Vries (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr K.A.M. van Vught (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Dr S. Warwick (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Prof F. Weber (Liability and Insurance)
- Prof R.J. de Weijs (Property Law)
- Mrs Dr M. Weimer (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Dr S. Weishaar (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Dr M. Wells-Greco (Family Law)
- Mr M.R.A.G. Wibisana (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr A. Wiesbrock (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr A. Wiewiorowska (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Prof L.C. Winkel (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr R.A. Wolf (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Dr E. Wolleswinkel (Family Law)
- Dr O. Yalnazov (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr H. Yu (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Prof J.A.W. van Zeben (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr E.L. van der Zee (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs Dr E. van Zimmeren (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs Dr K. Zimmermann (Property Law)
PhD Researcher- Mr K.S.A. van Abswoude (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs L. Van Acker (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- P. Aertgeerts (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr J. Akkermans (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs O. Al Khatib (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr C.F. Anguita Oyarzún (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs R. Aroso Duarte (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs V.S. Azizi (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs G. Bajrami (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs Dr M.H.C. Bakker (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs W.J. Bartstra (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs A. Bazrafkan (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr C. Bedir (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs T. Beekhuis (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs P. Van Belle (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr G. Bellenghi (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr E.E. van Bemmelen van Gent (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs K.J.S. Berg (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr Y.C. van de Berg (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs A. Berman (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs A.V.J. van Beusekom (Property Law)
- Mr M.N.A. Bin M Fuad (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs E. De Block (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr R. Bloemink (Property Law)
- Mrs B. Bocken (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr J.A. Boer (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs A. Boes (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr T. Bonne (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Ms T.Q. de Booys (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs E. Börjedal (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs D. Bos (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs R.S.M. Bosch (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs M. Breskaya (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr. M.Th. de Bruin (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs M. Buddenbaum (Family Law)
- Mrs L. Bueken (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr A. Van Caenegem (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs A. Cassiers (Family Law)
- Mrs G. Chapoupi (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs C. Charisi (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr S. Charitakis (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr L.T. Chisaira (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mr M.F. Claes (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs S. Claes (Family Law)
- Mrs E. De Clercq (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr R.A.B. Cobussen-Schreuder (Property Law)
- Mrs C.V. Colonna (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs G. Cooreman (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mr A. Cordina (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs E. Couperus (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr A. Cuomo (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr T. De Cuyper (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr P. Daem (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs S. Daniels (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr V. Davio (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs M.-L. Degroote (Property Law)
- Mrs J. Deklerck (Family Law)
- Mrs E. Delavari (Family Law)
- Mr R. Della Pia (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs C. Deprez (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs S. Dethier (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mr S. van Deursen (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs J.E. Devilee (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr A.P.F. Devis (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs A. Draghici (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs V. Druţă (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs N. Dube (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr C.H. Dybus (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs N.H.M. Ebbs (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr S.B.J. Van Eekert (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs M.H. El-Kaddouri (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr A.T. Erdogan (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr M.G. van Esterik (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs B.O. Eze (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr S.B.A.S. Feyen (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs E. Di Franco (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs I. Gambardella (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr J. Ge (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr M. Geerardyn (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs D.F. Georgoula (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs Y. Gerber (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs N. Gibbs (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mr M.M.W. van Gils (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Dr Y.M. Gordeeva (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs F. Gorissen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs M.B. Gracia (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs A. De Grave (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs I.C.P. Groenland (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs M. de Groot (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs S. de Groot (Property Law)
- Mrs A.-K. Habbig (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs J. Haekens (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs A. Halilovic (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs A.L. Hardy (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs S.A.M. Harleman (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr K. Heller (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs A. Hendricks (Family Law)
- Mr D. Heymans (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mr P. Heynen (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr P.D. Hildebrand (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs G.A. Hindriks (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr C.O. Hoekstra (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs L. Hofkens (Family Law)
- Mr R. Hollemans (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr W.E. Hommes (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs N. van der Horst (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs F. De Houwer (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs L.H.L. Hu (Family Law)
- Mrs D. Huang (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs M.L.W. Hubers (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs L.M.F. Hummel (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs S. Imamovic (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs E.V. Irambona (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Ms N. Ismail (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs T. Ivanchykava (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs S.H.D. Jansen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs A.A.A. Janssen (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mr W.A. Janssen (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs C. Jaspers (Family Law)
- Mr K. Jayaraman (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs I. Jennekens (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs L. Jeremiasova (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs K. Jiang (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs M. Jiang (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs Y.Y. Jing (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs B.H. Jones (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs A.M. de Jong (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs A. Joppe (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr S. Kalders (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs M. Kappé (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs A.M. Karagianni (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr T.A.J. Kelder (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs N. Kerinc (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs F.M. de Kievit (Family Law)
- Mrs S. Kitsou (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr L. Knuth (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs L. Kostense (Family Law)
- Mrs D. Kotova (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs B. Kramer (Property Law)
- Mrs H.M.A. van der Kroef (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs D.S. Kroese (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr A. Kudryavtsev (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs L.F. Lalíková (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs S.E.A. von Landenberg (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs M. van der Lans (Family Law)
- Mr A.G.S. Laschet (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs B.J. de Leeuw (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs S.C.L. Lemmer (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs A. de Leo (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs F. Leucci (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs S.J. Liefers (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr C. Lilburn (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs X. Lin (Intellectual Property)
- Mr Y. Lorans (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr Q.H. Lu (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs A.H. van Luipen (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mr J. Luque Lora (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr A. Lympikis (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs C.S. Macdonald-Mulvihill (Property Law)
- Mrs E. Malathouni (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr A. Marcia (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr G. Marrero González (Family Law)
- Mrs M. Massant (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mr D. van Maurik (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs C. De Meeus (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs S.A. Melchers (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs N. Menten (Family Law)
- Mr P.J.T. Mertens (Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market)
- Mrs M. Meulebrouck (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs L.I. van der Meulen (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr B. Michel (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr Y.A. Mijhad (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mr W.F. Mingelen (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs M. Moerman (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Ms K. Mohamed (Intellectual Property)
- Mr M.L. Munu (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs N. Naina (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs M.M. Narciso (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs D.R. Natakusumah (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs E.E. Nauta (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs A. Neacsu (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs M. Neekilappillai (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs L. Neven (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs D. Nidel (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs R. Nieuwboer (Family Law)
- Mrs M. Nieves Zárate (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs D. Nikolakopoulou (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Ms N.V. Nikolina (Family Law)
- Mrs G. Noordeloos (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr P. Notermans (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs N.R. Okany (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr E. Omičević (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr A.D. On (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs T.I. Oost (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs S. Oosterhuis (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr A. Ortega Navarro (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr J. Ouyang (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs A.M. Overheul (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr H.K. Özkonak (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs E. Pannebakker (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Dr A. Parise (Property Law)
- Mr N. Parthenopoulos (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr K. Pedrosa (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mr F.A.J. Peerboom (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs D. Petropoulou Ionescu (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs K. Plavec (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs A.M. Pleniceanu (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs S. Quarem (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr C.W. Rebel (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs I.M. Reinders (Family Law)
- Mr J. Reniers (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs S. Renssen (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs J. Richelle (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Ms R. Ristawati (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr R.P.J. Ritsema (Family Law)
- Mrs L.A. van Roermund (Family Law)
- Mr A. Romano (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr R. Rooman (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mr GLH van Rosmalen (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs T. Rotscheid (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mr L. Van Roy (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs F.S.M. Ruitinga (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs V.J. Salles Viera Pinto (Family Law)
- Mr M.C. Sati (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr M. Schellemans (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs De Schepper (Property Law)
- Dr F. Scholz (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mr E. Schoone (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs F. Schuthof (Family Law)
- Mrs E. Sevrin (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs G. Shen (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs M. Shi (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr Silva de Freitas (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mr L.R.M. Siry (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs I.M. Smits (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs L. Solaro (Property Law)
- Mr A. Soroiu (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr J.H. van Staalduinen (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs A.C. Stalenhoef (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr C. Stewart (Property Law)
- Mrs F. van der Stoel (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs C. Suykens (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mr T. Tadesse Tesfaslassie (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr J. van der Tang (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr R.L.N. Tans (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr A. Tavakolnia (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs C. Teuwens (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs R.C.E. van Tilburg (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs M. Tollenaar (Family Law)
- Mr G.L. Traverso (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs J. Trifunović (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr I. Val (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs A.M. Vandekerkhove (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs M. Vanderhaegen (Intellectual Property)
- Mr W. Vandermeulen (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs A. Vanhellemont (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs Z.D. Vankova (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs F. Vanswijgenhoven (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs F. Vavourakis (Property Law)
- Mrs L.W. Verboeket (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr B.T. Verdam (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr T.J. Verdonk (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr R. Verdoodt (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs L. Verhaegen (Legal Persons in Europe)
- Mrs M. Verhagen (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr A. Verhees (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs D.J. Verheij (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs M.D. Verhoef (Property Law)
- Mrs A.E.M. Verjans (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs M. Vermeer (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mr J. Vermeulen (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs E.E. Vermeulen (Property Law)
- Mr W. Verrijdt (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs E.B.C. Verscheure (Property Law)
- Mrs J.H.G. Verweij-Hoogendijk (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs L. Visser (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs N.M. Vissers (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mrs M.L. Vrancken (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr A.J. de Vries (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs I.M. de Waal (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs V.A. van Waarde (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr J. Wang (Intellectual Property)
- Mr S.-Y. Wang (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs M. Wang (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mrs R. Wang (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mr M.H.L. Warnez (Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension)
- Mr J. Wassink (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr P. Weber (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs M.W. Wessel (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs N.S. de With (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Y. Xie (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs X. Xu (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs T. Xu (Transnational Environmental Law)
- Mrs M. Xu (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs W.T. Yang (Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General)
- Mrs S.N. Yılancıoğlu (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mr X. Yu (Liability and Insurance)
- Mrs I. van der Zalm (Liability and Insurance)
- Mr J.J. van Zanden (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mrs M. van Zanten (Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension)
- Mrs Q. Zhang (Intellectual Property)
- Mrs K. Zheng (Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy)
- Mr J. Zhou (Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe)
- Mrs G. Zoboli (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
- Mr M. Zoetekouw (Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order)
Retired Researcher (Emeritus)
Researchers by Research Programme