Prof I. Giesen
Role(s)Senior Researcher, Liability and Insurance (Co-)Promotor of the Following Current PhD Research Projects(Co-)Promotor of the Following Defended PhD Dissertations- Mrs E.C. Gijselaar, Positive obligations imposed by the European Court of Human Rights and their influence on Dutch liability law (PhD defence: Utrecht, 15/10/2021)
- Mrs S.N.P. Wiznitzer, Defensive medicine in the Netherlands: the effects of the legal system of liability on the professional behavior of internists and gynaecologists (PhD defence: Utrecht, 9/07/2021)
- Mrs Dr B.M. Paijmans, The liability (duty of care) of schools pertaining to students, parents and third parties (PhD defence: Utrecht, 17/05/2013)
- Mrs Prof R. Rijnhout, Pecuniary loss of secundairy victims: a search for new frontiers (PhD defence: Utrecht, 1/06/2012)
- Mrs Dr L.F.H. Enneking, Foreign Direct Liability and Beyond - Exploring the Role of Tort Law in Promoting International Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability (PhD defence: Utrecht, 11/05/2012)
- Mrs M. Stouten, Voldoet de handhaving van de witwas meldplicht van juridische en fiscale beroepsbeoefenaars aan eisen van rechtsstatelijkheid? (PhD defence: Utrecht, 30/03/2012)
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