Prof M.B.M. Loos
Role(s)Senior Researcher, Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General (Co-)Promotor of the Following Current PhD Research Projects(Co-)Promotor of the Following Defended PhD Dissertations- Mrs Dr S. Tamboer, De klachtplicht bij koop. Een pleidooi voor de inperking van het toepassingsbereik in het licht van het ‘pacta sunt servanda’-beginsel (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 23/04/2021)
- Mrs I.B. Raiwa-Rietbroek, Electronic payment services in the EU and the US (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 16/10/2020)
- Dr C. Leone, The missing stone in the cathedral: of unfair terms in employment contracts and coexisting rationalities in European contract law (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 12/06/2020)
- Mrs B. van Hattum, Optimizing the settlement of retail financial mass claims. A research about risks of persistent mistrust and instability in financial markets on the settlement of retail financial mass claims (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 20/12/2017)
- Mrs A. Jethu-Ramsoedh, Textile labelling (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 12/10/2017)
- Dr B.B. Duivenvoorde, The notion of the average consumer in European consumer law (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 3/07/2014)
- Mrs Prof J.A. Luzak, The implied duty of a service provider to warn about a risk of construction defects resulting from a contract with a third party, with emphasis on defects resulting from design failures. (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 29/11/2011)
- Mrs Prof C. Mak, Fundamental rights in European contract law.A comparison of the impact of fundamental rights on contractual relationships in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and England (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 26/09/2007)
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