Prof C.H. van Rhee
Role(s)Programme Coordinator, Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe (Co-)Promotor of the Following Current PhD Research Projects(Co-)Promotor of the Following Defended PhD Dissertations- Mr P. Bravo Hurtado, Supreme Courts and Courts of Cassation: A Diagonal Symmetry Comparative Law Study of the US, England, France and Italy in Civil Procedure (PhD defence: Maastricht, 11/09/2018)
- Mr A. Matić, Developing the effectiveness of civil justice in European human rights jurisprudence: a critique (PhD defence: Maastricht, 26/04/2017)
- Dr P.C.H. Chan, The position of mediation in contempory Chinese civil justice. A proceduralist perspective (PhD defence: Maastricht, 10/06/2016)
- Dr A. Parise, The Evolution of Ownership in American Civil Law Jurisdictions: A Melting Pot of European Private Law and Regional Culture (PhD defence: Maastricht, 10/11/2015)
- Dr E.G.D. van Dongen, The consequences of contributory negligence for delictual liability in historical perspective (PhD defence: Maastricht, 18/06/2013)
- Mrs M.F. Lenaerts, National Socialist Family Law. The influence of National Socialism on marriage and divorce law in Germany and the Netherlands (PhD defence: Maastricht, 8/11/2012)
- Dr R. Verkijk, The role of lawyers in civil proceedings (PhD defence: Maastricht, 8/10/2010)
- Prof R.R. Verkerk, Civil procedure and the fact-finding process (PhD defence: Maastricht, 24/06/2010)
- Mr F.F.M. Maiolo, Sovereignty: Marcillus of Padua and Bartholus of Saxoferrato. A study on the medieval origin of the idea of popular (PhD defence: Maastricht, 8/03/2007)
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