Prof.em. L.F.M. Besselink
Role(s)Programme Coordinator, Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension (Co-)Promotor of the Following Current PhD Research Projects(Co-)Promotor of the Following Defended PhD Dissertations- Mrs Dr K.J. Swider, A rights-based approach to statelessness (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 5/07/2018)
- Dr N.J. de Boer, Judging European Democracy - National Constitutional Review of European Law and its Democratic Legitimacy (PhD defence: Amsterdam, 4/05/2018)
- Mr E.S. Arenas Catalán, Weak-form systems of the judicial review of legislation in a comparative perspective. Towards a dialogic structuring of judicial review (PhD defence: Utrecht, 9/02/2018)
- Mrs Dr B. van Mourik, Parlementaire controle op Europese besluitvorming. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar mandaatsystemen en parlementaire behandelingsvoorbehouden (PhD defence: Utrecht, 28/09/2012)
- Dr D. Jancic, The role of national parliaments in EU decision-making: legitimacy and accountability (PhD defence: Utrecht, 11/10/2011)
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