- Rieneke Stelma-Roorda, Continuing powers of attorney - different legal rules, similar problems and solutions: What can the Netherlands learn from Belgium, England and Wales, Germany and Switzerland? (2024)
- Tom Hick, The Coronacrisis and Its Impact on Creditors: Frustration of Purpose (2023)
- Geert Sluijs, Jurisdiction and Its Attribution in the Works of Diodorus Tuldenus (1594-1645) (2023)
- Ida Mae Waal, Coherence in Law: A Way to Stimulate the Transition Towards a Circular Economy? (2023)
- Marco Cappelletti, Comparative Reflections on Punishment in Tort Law (2021)
- Elias Van Gool and Anaïs Michel, The New Consumer Sales Directive 2019/771 and Sustainable Consumption: a Critical Analysis (2021)
- Virginia Passalacqua, Altruism, Euro-Expertise and Open EU Opportunity Structure. Empirical Insights on Legal Mobilization before the Court of Justice in the Migration Field (2020)
- Benjamin Verheye, Toekomst van de circulaire vastgoedeconomie (2020)
- Pieter Gillaerts, Instrumentalisation of Tort Law: Widespread yet Fundamentally Limited (2019)
- Václav Janeček, Ownership of Personal Data in the Internet of Things (2018)
- Pim Jansen, Industrial Policy in the Context of Merger and Foreign Investment Control (2017)
- Alexander Hoogenboom, In Search of a Rationale for the EU Citizenship Jurisprudence (2016)
- Siel Demeyere, Liability of a Mother Company for its Subsidiary in French, Belgian and English Law (2015)
- Anne Van de Vijver, International Double (Non)-Taxation: Comparative Guidance from European Legal Principles (2015)
- D. Gruyaert and S. Van Loock, UK Supreme Court Decision on Lehman Brothers Client Money: Equity or Lottery? (2014)
- Katayoun Alidadi, Reasonable Accommodations for Religion and Belief: Adding Value to Article 9 ECHR and the European Union’s Anti-Discrimination Approach to Employment? (2013)
- Alexandre Saydé, One Law, Two Competitions. An Enquiry into the Contradictions of Free Movement Law (2012)
- Mirjam Mol, The Novel Approach of the CJEU on the Horizontal Direct Effect of the EU Principle of Non-Discrimination: (Unbridled) Expansionism of EU Law? (2011)
- Annekatrien Lenaerts, The General Principle of the Prohibition of Abuse of Rights: a Critical Position on its Role in a Codified European Contract Law (2010)
- Vlad Perju, Reason and Authority in the European Court of Justice (2009)
- Yves Thiery, Het Europees verbod van geslachtsdiscriminatie in verzekeringen: receptie en (anti-)conceptie in het lidstatelijk recht (2008)
- Michal Bobek, The Binding Force of Babel: The Enforcement of EC Law Unpublished in the Languages of the New Member States (2007)
- Pål Wennerås, A New Dawn for Commission Enforcement under Articles 226 and 228 EC: General and Persistent (GAP) Infringements, Lump Sums and Penalty Payments (2006)
- Ian Curry-Sumner, Uniform Trend in Non-Marital Registered Relationships in Europe (2005)
- Sofie Cools, The Real Difference in Corporate Law between the United States and Continental (2004)
- Ilse Samoy, Veinzing ontmaskerd. Een zoektocht naar schijn en werkelijkheid in de leer van simulatie (2004)
- Mieke Olaerts, De omzetting van vorderingen in aandelenkapitaal: een metamorfose in het licht van de tweede richtlijn (2003)
- Geert de Baere, Houdt het communautair herkomstlandbeginsel een verborgen conflictregel in? (2002)
- Ihor Olekhov, Security Interests in Personal Property: the Perspectives of Harmonisation (2002)
- Vincent Sagaert, Ongerechtvaardigde verrijking en gewijzigde omstandigheden (2001)
- Harriët Schelhaas, Waarheen met het boetebeding in Europa? Een analyse van het Engelse, Schotse, Belgische en Nederlandse recht en de Principles of European Contract law (2001)
The Ius Commune Prize
The Ius Commune Prize has been awarded since 2001. The price is awarded to a PhD student or starting researcher who wrote an article of outstanding quality which falls within the material scope encompassed by the objectives of the Research School Ius Commune.
The value of the prize is € 1250,-.