Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe
Current PhD research- Mrs E.M.S. Apers, Free movement of judgments. Towards a global judicial area? (1/10/2013 - 30/09/2017)
- Mrs X. Chen, Party autonomy in international commercial arrbitration - a comparative study of law and practice in China and Europe (1/09/2013 - 31/08/2017)
- Mr A. Cordina, Funding and who decides? Third party litigation funding in Europe (1/12/2020 - 15/02/2025)
- Mrs S. Dethier, Dynamic multi-party proceedings (1/09/2023 - 31/07/2029)
- Mrs N.A.M.E.C. Fanoy, Het beginsel van vertrouwelijkheid tussen de advocaat en de cliënt (1/01/2008 - 31/12/2010)
- Mrs A.A.A. Janssen, Perceived procedural justice and procedural difficulies of vulnerble litigants in civil procedure (1/02/2022 - 31/01/2026)
- Mrs L.C.W.M. van Kessel, Effectieve redressering van schendingen van art. 6 EVRM in het burgerlijk procesrecht (1/01/2012 - 31/12/2015)
- Mr L. Kopecký, The Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement (31/07/2013)
- Mrs J. Kremmel, The Swiss - Austrian cross-border insolvency proceedings (1/07/2012 - 31/12/2013)
- Mrs C.S.A. Mulder, Alternatieven voor tuchtrecht (23/03/2009 - 22/03/2013)
- Mrs H.W.R. Nakad-Weststrate, The first legal copy of the notarial reporting deed as enforceable verdict in the civil proceedings before e-Court (1/04/2009 - 6/09/2013)
- Ms A.O. Ognean, Case management in English, French and Dutch Civil Litigation Compared (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mr R. Rooman, International civil litigation (1/10/2023 - 30/06/2027)
- Mr Silva de Freitas, Litigation crowdfunding: a legal and empirical analysis (1/12/2020 - 28/02/2025)
- Mr M. Slonina, Declaration of Enforcability (1/01/2004 - 30/04/2009)
- Mr S. Vacarelu, Cultural values and Civil litigation (1/03/2010 - 28/02/2014)
- Mr P. Weber, Singular Succession and Substitution of Parties in Swiss Civil Procedure (1/01/2009 - 31/07/2010)
- Mr J. Zhou, The role of private international law in sustainable global governance: Conceptualizing the intersections between the UN sustainable development goals and the doctrines of ordre public and overriding mandatory rules (1/09/2023 - 30/06/2027)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Prof B. Allemeersch, De macht van de rechter en partijen in het burgerlijk geding (Leuven, 22/06/2006)
- Mrs Dr S. Aras, Proceedings in Matters of Child Maintenance (Zagreb, 19/06/2012)
- Mrs K. Auernig, Prohibition, prevention and challenge of surprise (Wien, 29/06/2018)
- Mrs I.C. van den Berg-Smit, Ontwikkelingen in de beroepsuitoefening van de gerechtsdeurwaarder (Utrecht, 30/09/2013)
- Mr P. Bravo Hurtado, Supreme Courts and Courts of Cassation: A Diagonal Symmetry Comparative Law Study of the US, England, France and Italy in Civil Procedure (Maastricht, 11/09/2018)
- Dr P.C.H. Chan, The position of mediation in contempory Chinese civil justice. A proceduralist perspective (Maastricht, 10/06/2016)
- Ms C. Fraefel, Enforcement of a non-debt (Zürich, 31/01/2011)
- Mrs M.I. Hazelhorst, Cross-border enforcement and fundamental principles of civil procedure (Rotterdam, 13/10/2016)
- Dr U.H. Hoffmann-Nowotny, The treatment of doubly relevant facts in Swiss civil procedure and arbitration (Zürich, 24/09/2009)
- Mr A. Matić, Developing the effectiveness of civil justice in European human rights jurisprudence: a critique (Maastricht, 26/04/2017)
- Mr B.H.R. Nelissen, Van onafhankelijk magistraat tot rechter-bureaucraat: factor van rechtsstatelijke (des)integratie? (Leuven, 12/01/2018)
- Dr E.A. Ontanu, Cross-border debt recovery in the EU. A comparative and empirical study on the use of the European uniform procedures (Rotterdam, 2/11/2017)
- Mrs K. Plavec, Interpretation of arbitration agreements (Wenen, 30/06/2020)
- Mr A. Ruzik, The Compensation of Home Care Services after the Death of the Attended Person in German, Swiss an Austrian Law (Zürich, 23/09/2010)
- Mr P. Schollen, De greep van de wetgever op de rechter (Leuven, 27/08/2007)
- Dr F. Scholz, The obligation to indemnify and hold (Vienna, 21/08/2017)
- Mr J.R. Sijmonsma, Inzage in de literatuur en jurisprudentie van artikel 843a Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering (Maastricht, 10/06/2010)
- Dr S. Sobrie, Representation in civil proceedings (Leuven, 19/01/2016)
- Dr B. Sujecki, Een Europese incassoprocedure binnen het Europese Verdrag van de Rechten van de Mens (EVRM) (Utrecht, 15/02/2008)
- Mr E. Themeli, Civil justice competition in the EU and choice of court (Rotterdam, 23/03/2018)
- Mrs I. Tillema, Entrepreneurial Mass Litigation: Balancing the building blocks (Rotterdam, 18/01/2019)
- Prof R.R. Verkerk, Civil procedure and the fact-finding process (Maastricht, 24/06/2010)
- Dr R. Verkijk, The role of lawyers in civil proceedings (Maastricht, 8/10/2010)
- Mr K. Wagner, Sancties in het burgerlijk procesrecht (Leuven, 28/09/2006)
- Mrs J. Zhang, The enforceability of the interim measures granted by the emergency arbitrator (Maastricht, 30/11/2020)
PhD Projects by Programme