Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension
Current PhD research- P. Aertgeerts, The relationship between primary law and secondary law on the fundamental right to data protection in the European Union (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs O. Al Khatib, Regulating supra-individual algorithmic decision-making in the public sector (1/06/2022 - 31/05/2026)
- Mrs D.C.M. Barnhoorn, In between administrations: Deployment of liaison officers and competing claims of jurisdiction in European Law (1/01/2017 - 31/12/2020)
- Mr G. Bellenghi, EU emergency law and the constitutional design of EU competence (1/08/2023 - 31/07/2027)
- Mrs E. Börjedal, The Multilevel Governance of EU Fundamental Rights: the Division of Competences between the EU and its Member States (7/01/2019 - 6/01/2022)
- Mr. M.Th. de Bruin, De EU langs de federale meetlat (1/09/2014 - 31/08/2018)
- Mrs E. Couperus, How strong is a right? Economic liberties as basic fundamental rights and principles of European Union law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr V. Davio, EU fundamental rights: A source of special significance for the European Court of Human Rights (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs E. Di Franco, Balancing Fundamental Rights in Fighting SLAPPs: An EU Response to Abusive Litigation Against Public Participation (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs I. Gambardella, Refining the scope of application of EU fundamental rights in light of the diversification of EU law sources (1/11/2022 - 31/10/2026)
- Ms V. Gasca, The individual between the State and the EU: Nationals, Foreigners and European Citizenship (1/02/2009 - 31/01/2013)
- Mrs E. Geurink, De staatsrechtelijke positie van de ambtenaar in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief (1/05/2003 - 30/04/2007)
- Mrs M. Gold, The involvement of the European Parliament and national parliaments in the Economic and Monetary Union in times of the Euro crisis (1/05/2013 - 30/04/2017)
- Mrs A.-K. Habbig, The capability approach and access to justice - Mapping and developing legal capabilities to advance the access to justice of community-dwelling older people (14/04/2020 - 13/04/2025)
- Mrs M. Kappé, Roles and drivers of (dis)trust in judicial cooperation in the area of freedom, security and justice: a socio-legal inquiry (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs S. Kitsou, Social media platforms challenging EU fundamental rights protection: The need for an effective response to online hate speech (15/09/2021 - 14/09/2025)
- Mr P. Kort, Transnationale rechtshandhaving in het bank-, beurs- en verzekeringswezen (1/09/1999 - 30/09/2004)
- Mrs K.M. Landman, The functional waterboard in transition. Innovative ideas from the institutional design of water management. Inspiration from current practices (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Ms N. Marocchi, Age discrimination in employment: the EU perspective applied in the law of the Member States? (16/09/2011 - 15/06/2017)
- Mrs L.I. van der Meulen, Litigating for Fundamental Rights in Europe: why (not) before the Court of Justice of the European Union? (15/10/2020 - 14/10/2024)
- Mrs D. De Meyst, The division of the burden of proof and the deterrence of legal sanctions for discrimination in employment: building a legal framework for the enforcement of non-discrimination law through (comparative) case law analysis (1/10/2020 - 30/09/2024)
- Mr B. Michel, Divergences in Constitutional Approaches in Europe: The Remuneration of Members of Parliament (1/09/2012 - 31/12/2016)
- Mrs E.E. Nauta, Dangerousness and disorder: reconsidering preventive detention in Dutch criminal law (15/11/2019 - 14/11/2023)
- Mrs L. Neven, The multi-layered nature of sustainability regulations (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr P. Notermans, Data security mechanisms: the ideal concept bridging the gap between legal data minimisation requirements and big data? (1/01/2019 - 31/12/2023)
- Mrs A.M. Pleniceanu, Human rights in books versus human rights in action exploring the capabilities of the Fundamental Rights Agency and of the Council of Europe in bridging the gaps in the governance of EU fundamental rights (14/01/2021 - 13/12/2025)
- Mrs E. Sevrin, The legal position of non-returnable migrants: Limbo without harmonization? (1/10/2022 - 30/09/2028)
- Mrs A.M. Vandekerkhove, How to deal with conflicts between European law and international law at the domestic level - a tax
perspective (1/10/2022 - 30/09/2026)
- Mr W. Verrijdt, The right of individual petition before the ECtHR: a guarantee for the effectiveness of human rights? (6/03/2006 - 31/12/2013)
- Mrs N.M. Vissers, Safeguarding Democracy in the EU Member States (1/04/2023 - 31/03/2029)
- Mr R. van de Westelaken, Positive obligations under the ECHR (1/11/2005 - 31/10/2011)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Mrs C.L.G.F.H. Albers, Rechtsbescherming bij bestuurlijke boeten. Balanceren op een magische lijn? (Maastricht, 20/12/2002)
- Mr E.S. Arenas Catalán, Weak-form systems of the judicial review of legislation in a comparative perspective. Towards a dialogic structuring of judicial review (Utrecht, 9/02/2018)
- Dr T.W.B. Beukers, Constitutionele Praktijk van de Europese Unie (Amsterdam, 21/04/2011)
- Dr N.J. de Boer, Judging European Democracy - National Constitutional Review of European Law and its Democratic Legitimacy (Amsterdam, 4/05/2018)
- Dr M. Bonelli, A union of values: Safeguarding democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the EU member states (Maastricht, 19/06/2019)
- Prof G. Boogaard, Het wetgevingsbevel. Over constitutionele verhoudingen en manieren om een wetgever tot regelgeving aan te zetten (Amsterdam, 15/05/2013)
- Mr P. Bootsma, Coalitievorming in Nederland en Duitsland (Maastricht, 9/03/2017)
- Mr J.L.W. Broeksteeg, Verantwoordelijkheid en aansprakelijkheid in het staatsrecht (Maastricht, 22/04/2004)
- Mrs Prof M.L.H.K. Claes, The National Courts'Mandate in the European Constitution (Maastricht, 10/06/2004)
- Dr P. Dermine, The new economic governance of the Eurozone – A rule of law analysis (Maastricht, 22/10/2020)
- Dr L. Dragstra, De financiering van politieke partijen. Een analyse van de regelgeving betreffende de financiering van politieke partijen in rechtsvergelijkend en Europees perspectief (Amsterdam, 9/10/2008)
- Dr I.A. van den Driessche, Nederlandse ministers anders politiek verantwoordelijk dan buitenlandse collega’s (Maastricht, 15/12/2005)
- Mrs Dr E. Durmuş, Breaking Free - Local Governments' Boundary-Defying Engagement with Human Rights and Migration (Utrecht, 29/09/2022)
- Mrs J. Gerards, Rechterlijke toetsing aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar een algemeen toetsingsmodel (Maastricht, 8/11/2002)
- Mrs M. Gijzen, Selected issues in equal treatment law: a multi-layered comparison of European, English and Dutch law (Maastricht, 13/12/2006)
- Mrs Dr E. Hancox, The Interplay between Norms in the EU Legal Order: Implications for the Scope of EU Law (Edinburgh, 24/10/2018)
- Dr S. Hardt, Parliamentary Immunity, a comprehensive comparative study (Maastricht, 26/09/2013)
- Mr W.E. Hommes, Co-creating European human rights: How the Netherlands received and shaped the European Convention on Human Rights, 1945-2022 (Amsterdam, 19/04/2023)
- Mrs S. Imamovic, Resolving conflicts in European fundamental rights protection: National and European courts’ perspectives (Maastricht, 12/12/2018)
- Mrs J.A.E. van der Jagt, 'Handhaafbaarheid en handhaving van milieuconvenanten' (Utrecht, 27/10/2006)
- Dr D. Jancic, The role of national parliaments in EU decision-making: legitimacy and accountability (Utrecht, 11/10/2011)
- Mrs H.L. Janssen, Constitutionele interpretatie (Maastricht, 7/02/2003)
- Dr Ph. Kiiver, The National Parliaments in the European Union - A Critical View on EU Constitution-Building (Maastricht, 10/11/2005)
- Dr A.D.L. Knook, The European Court of Justice in the vertical division of powers (Utrecht, 1/04/2009)
- Mr P.P. van der Lee, Legitimiteit en onpartijdigheid bij vervolging (Maastricht, 17/04/2003)
- Dr S. Loeffen, Parliamentary Investigations in a Comparative Perspective (Maastricht, 28/06/2013)
- Mr F.F.M. Maiolo, Sovereignty: Marcillus of Padua and Bartholus of Saxoferrato. A study on the medieval origin of the idea of popular (Maastricht, 8/03/2007)
- Mrs Dr S. Menzione, Article 19 TEU as the cement of the EU shared judicial space: An analysis of the CJEU’s case-law (Leuven, 12/12/2023)
- Mrs Dr P.E. de Morree, Abuse and forfeiture of political fundamental rights in several European legal orders (Utrecht, 21/10/2016)
- Mrs Dr B. van Mourik, Parlementaire controle op Europese besluitvorming. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar mandaatsystemen en parlementaire behandelingsvoorbehouden (Utrecht, 28/09/2012)
- Mr D.B. Nederlof, Membership of the European Council in a Constitutional and Historical Perspective (Amsterdam, 15/09/2020)
- Mrs Dr Gar Yein Ng, Quality management and checks and balances in judicial administration (Utrecht, 14/03/2007)
- Mrs Dr H.-T. Nguyen, An uneven balance? A legal analysis of power asymmetries between national parliaments in the EU (Maastricht, 25/05/2018)
- Mrs Dr T. Orsolic Dalessio, Socializing Europe - Solidifying EU Citizenship (Maastricht, 1/07/2013)
- Ms S. Pernus, Participation in European Agencies: Keeping Promises in Institutional Practice (Amsterdam, 24/06/2016)
- Dr J.M. Prinssen, Doorwerking van het Europees recht (Amsterdam, 6/02/2004)
- Ms R. Ristawati, Comparative study of the Executive and its Power in the Presidential system of Indonesia (Maastricht, 8/12/2017)
- Mrs Dr M.O. Scholten, The political accountability of independent agencies in the European Union and the United States (Maastricht, 3/04/2014)
- Mrs Dr K.J. Swider, A rights-based approach to statelessness (Amsterdam, 5/07/2018)
- Mr C.N. Syrier, Strengthening accountability in the European Union. The right of inquiry of the European Parliament (Maastricht, 11/04/2013)
- Dr T. Takács, Participation in EU decision-making: implications for the Hungarian political institutions (Utrecht, 16/01/2009)
- Dr T.A.J.A. Vandamme, Hoe ver reikt de macht van ongeldige EG-richtlijnen? (Amsterdam, 17/02/2005)
- Dr J.W. de Visser, Developmental Local Government
Developmental Local Government. A case study of South Africa (Utrecht, 9/03/2005)
- Mr M. Zwiers, The European Prosecutor Service: towards a multilevel criminal justice system? (Maastricht, 28/10/2011)
PhD Projects by Programme