Family Law
Current PhD research- Mrs E.Y.R. Adriaens, The executor of the last will (1/10/2012 - 30/09/2018)
- Ms Y.M. Bérénos, Childrens residence arrangements after divorce and their consequences (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mrs M. Buddenbaum, Towards a non-adversarial resolution of (post-)separation conflicts involving children: Children first! (2/09/2019 - 1/09/2023)
- Mrs A. Cassiers, Towards a right to a perfect child? (1/10/2017 - 30/09/2023)
- Mrs S. Claes, Legal position of patients and relatives in (mental) health care (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs J. Deklerck, Child Maintenance (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs E. Delavari, Citizenship and Statelessness in Iran (1/05/2016 - 30/04/2020)
- Mrs A. Hendricks, Beyond employment: reshaping reconciliation policies through a childrens rights perspective in the EU legal
order (1/10/2020 - 30/09/2022)
- Mrs L. Hofkens, The right to respect for family life within child protection: a legal and empirical review (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs A.J. Hoogenboom, Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/08/2022 - 31/07/2026)
- Mrs L.H.L. Hu, Reshaping the law on parentage (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs M. Huijzer, Improving the legal status of informal families (1/01/2024 - 31/12/2027)
- Mrs M. Jaarsma, Unificatie van het internationaal privaatrecht op het gebied van erfrecht en relatievermogensrecht in de 15 oudste EU-lidstaten
- Mrs C. Jaspers, Towards mandatory ADR in separations. An approach de lege lata and de lege ferenda (18/09/2017 - 17/09/2021)
- Mrs L. Kostense, The assessment framework of judges and the short- and long-term effects on parents and children in legal cases in which parents relocate after divorce (1/05/2021 - 30/04/2025)
- Mrs N. Menten, The position of parents in youth care and youth justice law
Description: (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mrs R. Nieuwboer, Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs I.M. Reinders, Custody disputes after divorce (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2026)
- Mr R.P.J. Ritsema, Naming legislation within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, past, present & future (1/04/2021 - 31/03/2026)
- Mrs L.A. van Roermund, Artificial reproductive technologies and parentage law in the Netherlands: towards a future-proof regulatory
framework (1/05/2023 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs V.J. Salles Viera Pinto, Between heritage and concealment: How to reconcile the right to know of adoptees and the right to privacy of biological families in France, Italy, and the Netherlands (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs F. Schuthof, A new balance between empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mrs K. Schuurman, Private, not unseen: Unpacking childrens (privacy) rights in the digital age (1/04/2024 - 31/03/2028)
- Mrs V. Stoeva, Towards regulation of assisted reproduction technologies in Europe (1/10/2016 - 30/09/2020)
- Mrs M. Tollenaar, NWA-ORC project Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Ms E.M. Uijttenbroek, The compulsory parental plan (1/09/2008 - 31/08/2012)
- Mrs N.H.G. de Vries, Breach of duty of care of parents towards their childeren and possible consequences (1/01/2007 - 31/12/2009)
- Mr E.P.J. Vrinds, Die staatsangehörigkeitsrechtliche Position des minderjährigen Kindes im Rechtsvergleich in den NL, B, A und D. (1/09/2002 - 31/08/2006)
- Mrs L. Wijns, Current developments in youth protection law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Dr L.J. van der Baaren, The challenges of double nationality for circular migration: The examples of Spain and Sri Lanka (Maastricht, 26/05/2020)
- Mr R. Blauwhoff, Foundational Facts, Relative Truths (Utrecht, 15/05/2009)
- Mrs Dr S. Bou-Sfia, The legal aspects of a childs identity in Dutch family law and practice (Utrecht, 13/09/2021)
- Mrs B. Braat, Indépendance et interdépendance patrimoniales des époux dans le régime matrimoniales légal des droits néerlandais, français et suisse (Utrecht, 28/04/2004)
- Mrs Dr U. Cerulus, Een statuut voor de zorgouder in het licht van de grondrechtenbescherming (Hasselt, 3/05/2018)
- Mr K. Chaudhary, Pakistani Marriages and the Private International Laws of Germany and England (Maastricht, 22/12/2014)
- Dr I. Curry-Sumner, Private international law aspects opf non-marital registered relationships in Europe (Utrecht, 14/12/2005)
- Mrs J. Gray, Party autonomy in EU private international law relating to family matters and succession- Evaluating coherence in the Union context (Utrecht, 14/10/2019)
- Mrs Dr D. Van Grunderbeeck, Grondbeginselen van een Europees Personen- en Familierecht geformuleerd vanuit het perspectief van de Mensenrechten (Leuven, 4/10/2002)
- Mrs Dr Ch.G. Jeppesen de Boer, Joint parental authority after divorce and relationship break-up (Utrecht, 23/05/2008)
- Mrs Dr M. Jonker, Het recht van kinderen op levensonderhoud - een gedeelde zorg (Utrecht, 15/06/2011)
- Mrs F.M. de Kievit, Family care and the law: informal care for the elderly within the family from a legal perspective (Utrecht, 22/03/2024)
- Mrs Dr P.M. Kruiniger-van Maanen, Islamic divorces in Europe. Bridging the gap between European and Islamic legal orders (Maastricht, 17/12/2014)
- Mrs M. van der Lans, The compulsory parental plan (Amsterdam, 18/05/2015)
- Mrs M.F. Lenaerts, National Socialist Family Law. The influence of National Socialism on marriage and divorce law in Germany and the Netherlands (Maastricht, 8/11/2012)
- Mrs Dr E. Loibl, The Transnational Illegal Adoption Market: A Criminological Study Into The German And Dutch Intercountry Adoption Systems (Maastricht, 15/05/2019)
- Mrs P.A.M. Lokin, The impact of the EU Regulation on Succession and Wills in the Member States (Utrecht, 21/12/2012)
- Dr N.C. Luk, Changing modes of citizenship in migrant-sending countries: the link between new forms of quasi-citizenship and return migration (Maastricht, 14/12/2017)
- Mrs Dr B. Manby, Citizenship and Statelessness in Africa: the Law and Politics of Belonging (Maastricht, 20/10/2015)
- Mr G. Marrero González, Independence within the European Union: Consequences with regard to Nationality Law and EU Citizenship Status (Maastricht, 29/06/2017)
- Mrs Dr C.R. Mol, The Child's Right to Participate in Family Law Proceedings according to International and European Human Rights Law: Represented, Heard or Silenced? (Utrecht, 28/01/2022)
- Ms N.V. Nikolina, Legal aspects of childrens residence after divorce (Utrecht, 23/10/2015)
- Mr K. Saarloos, Towards European conflictrules on affiliation (Maastricht, 1/07/2010)
- Mr F. Schonewille, Contractvrijheid van echtgenoten in Nederland en Duitsland (Leiden, 14/02/2012)
- Mrs Prof W.M. Schrama, De niet-huwelijkse samenleving in het Nederlandse en Duitse recht (Utrecht, 21/04/2004)
- Mrs N.D. Spalter, Grondslagen van partneralimentatie (Amsterdam, 18/09/2013)
- Mrs Dr H.N. Stelma-Roorda, Living wills: a secure road? (Amsterdam, 17/01/2024)
- Mrs Dr E.M.J.M.C. Verhagen, Good Faith in Family Law: Magic Potion of Flexibility or Poisonous Uncertainty (Utrecht, 26/01/2018)
- Mrs Prof M.J. Vonk, Children and their parents: A comparative study of the legal position of children with regard to their intentional and biological parents in English and Dutch Law (Utrecht, 19/12/2007)
- Dr M. Wells-Greco, The status of children arising from inter-country surrogacy arrangements (Maastricht, 1/10/2015)
- Dr E. Wolleswinkel, Nederlands adelsrecht. Wettelijke adeldom als historisch gegroeid instituut (Maastricht, 5/12/2012)
- Mr T. Wuyts, Naar een coherente gezagsregeling over minderjarigen (Leuven, 5/09/2012)
PhD Projects by Programme